Sunday, April 12, 2009

Today was one of those days where those who arrived early were rewarded with several hour flights. Those of us who arrived late waited all day for the winds to pick up. Eventually those who arrived early got tired, landed & tried to get back up but with very little winds we took trips to the beach & back. One such trip for me was enough to make me wait. It was blue skies most of the day. A wind line was easily visible, the white caps giving it away. We waited.... and waited. As the line crept closer the chatter picked up. Eventually the white caps reached the beach & we waited. The winds dropped down to almost nothing. Perplexed we sat around & scratched our heads.

Not one pilot gave up. Then, out of nowhere, the winds picked up to 11mph! We all immediately geared up & launched. The first two got up quick. I launched fourth and quickly gained altitude. As soon as I reached the cliffs I realized that the winds were strong & bumpy. I continued North. As I looked back to the dumps I realized that the fog was creeping back & whispy clouds were starting to form. A cloud in front of me went from being able to see through it to big puffy solid white cloud. Within seconds it went from blue skies to solid fog. We launched right into a wind shear. The video tells the rest of the story.

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