Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

I currently have a big smile on my face:) I'm listening to good music, having a beer & thinking about how great a year I just had, 2005 was a good year by all accounts. My work/life balance have been fairly equal. This year I once again took to the sky in various forms. Early in the year I spent time at Crazy Creek learning to fly gliders, soloing before I decided to find another form of flight. Skydiving was naturally one way to get back into the air but it was hang gliding that really seemed to catch my attention.

I took this picture several years ago during the bustling dot-com boom. It was a moment of change. The picture reminds me of strength & the need to continue improving in order to survive. The strengthening of the Bay Bridge instills a sense of safety for us living in the Bay Area. Here's looking forward to a strong & safe 2006!

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