Sunday, December 11, 2005

Nor Cal Aero Club

A large group of flying enthusiast descended upon Nor Cal Aero Club operating at the Dixon crop dusting airstrip just outside Dixon, California.
The morning was chilly but it didn't stop Paul & I from rigging the trike so that I could jump it. I've heard of people jumping from them but have never actually seen it done. I was a bit concerned about the propeller, you've gotta admit, it's a bit scary looking at it spin less than a yard away. Paul & I discussed how I would exit, we rigged a hang strap as a handhold. With this I was fairly certain there wouldn't be a prop strike. I sat sideways to make the exit easier. In the air we found that my legs were blocking the air intake. I did all I could to move my legs away from it. The air was chilly. We climbed to 4000 feet, circled over the airstrip & I was off. I turned to face Paul, exited, saluted & turned around. It was a sweet exit. As I passed 3000 feet I reached back & pulled the hackey. The canopy opened softly as it's been doing since I first started jumping it less than 3 months ago. The air was covered with spider webs hanging in the air & blowing in the breeze. I was covered in them on landing. Paul landed shortly after I did & asked if I wanted to make another. Of course, I replied, & off we went for a second jump.
We had hang gliders, rigid wings, paraglide & skydivers in the air along with a few C17's, C130's & C5's from nearby Travis Air Force Base. The hang glider pilots kept the tug pilots busy all day. Although there were no thermals to keep us up everyone enjoyed a great day of flying. All this on a winter day in California.

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