Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Yesterday I arrived at the parking lot at 6:00pm. The 14 or so mph winds were SSW. Dingo & Pat had just landed at Dave's Perch & Rick was circling nearby preparing to land. In the parking lot the conversations ranged from "It's extremely difficult to land at the perch" to "the winds are too southy & bumpy to be flying". I remained in the parking lot while Dingo, Pat & Rick sat at the perch enjoying the sun crawling ever so closer to the horizon.

The minute hand hit 12'oclock, it was 7:00pm & I there I was, still sitting in the parking lot listening to all the reasons why it was not a good day to fly. Dingo layed out his wing & launched, Rick followed & not far behind was Pat. I threw my wing over my shoulder, walked out to the launch & joined the pilots. True, the air was bumpy and very southy but there we were flying in it. I thought of what must have been being said in the parking lot, interrupted by the jolt of air carrying me upwards.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009


PPA Ozone TeamAwe! I'm in Awe! This was Crystel's first paraglider flight. She's flying the orange wing in the center.

PPA Ozone TeamDingo, Me, Crystel & Jimmy. Photos by Rick.

PPA Ozone TeamCrayola

Sunday, June 07, 2009



JosepixbyIanLots of flying today. I'm tired & going to sleep now.

These 3 photos by Ian.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

HG/PG Buzz Job from Jose on Vimeo.

Dingo, Jimmy, Damien & I have been flying in hang glider / paraglider formation. We started on paragliders & now Dingo & Damien are coming around in their hang gliders & we started flying close, then doing flyby's & now setting up to take a dock, they are presenting their wingtip to Jimmy & I on our paragliders. Although we have not yet completed a full dock, it is on the way!